Monday, May 9, 2011

We are moved in!!!

This past weekend was work! I don't think I have worked that hard since I left the ranch in Wyoming! Thankfully, everything is moved ( accept I realized last night I left a cupboard with cookie sheets in it at the apartment!) and I am starting to clean and unpack.

When we got here our hot water was off because there was a gas leak in the line. We were so worried it was going to be a major repair right away,and if the crook of a plumber who first looked at it had been right it would have been! Thankfully a nice man just came and repaired it for much less and we have hot water! Soon we will need to replace the tank but for now one worry at a time!

As we unpack we are noticing more and more of the work that needs to be done. Our family room carpet looked terrible when we moved in and we seriously thought it would need to be replaced, however after renting a rug doctor and giving it a good scrub it almost looks new! There is a red stain that would not come up but that is minimal compared to what it looked like before! God is so good!

Our little puppy was deathly afraid of the staircases when we moved in but it didn't take her much time to give them a try. Now she zooms up and down them and I think to her its a new olympic sport to see how fast she can scale them. We are waiting for the moment when she misses a step and comes crashing back down! She loves having so much room to run around and explore!

Anyway, so I have a long day of cleaning and unpacking ahead, but it is beautiful weather and a perfect day to open up the windows , air out the rooms, and get to organizing!